Regular price $9.00 Sale price $8.00 Save $1.00MOLLIES (ASSORTED)
Most people will have seen a molly fish at one point or another. They are one of the most commonly kept fish amongst fish keeping enthusiasts. They are perfect for people new to the hobby as they are easy to care for.
They require a good filtration system because of their hearty appetites. The Molly is well suited for the community tank because of its peaceful nature, and is compatible with other peaceful, large fish that can withstand similar water conditions. They may pursue their young and the young of other fish.
- Mollies are Livebearers, meaning that the female gives birth to fully formed, Free swimming fry.
Tank Set-Up:
- (Freshwater with open space and hiding spots)
- Platy, Swordtail, and Guppies, Neon Tetra
- Assorted Mollies 5cm
Can organise a Freight for Interstate.
- New South Wale
- Victoria
- Queensland's
- South Australia.
- Western Australia.
- Tasmania
- Northern Territory
Prior to purchasing the Mollies
- We offer Airport to Airport or Door to Door.
Please send us an email to sales@vincenzosaquatics.com.au for freight related cost and states regulations. if you have any questions about our range please send us an email to sales@vincenzosaquatics.com.au