Regular price $60.00 Sale price $50.00 Save $10.00JAGUAR CICHLID
Jaguar Cichlids are found on the Atlantic slope of Central America from the Ulua River in Honduras to the Matina River in Costa Rica. Unlike many aquarium fish the wild Jaguar Cichlid becomes large enough to warrant human consumption and are used for food in their native lands. They are also considered pests in some localities. Another common name of these fish is the Managuense Cichlid. They like turbid waters with muddy bottoms and are found in warm, low oxygenated water in springs, ponds and lakes. They are highly predatorial and feed on small fish and larger invertebrates.
- The background color of this cichlid is slivery mixed with a light blue-green to light purple hue. There is some light tan-yellow to burgundy-red on the head. Very clean water will bring out their colours and patterning the best.
The Jaguar Cichlid is not a community fish. This fish is predatory, territorial, and aggressive and becomes even more aggressive when spawning. It needs to be kept with other large Central and South American cichlids, preferably ones larger than your Jaguar. If breeding them do not house with plecostomus as they will eat the Jaguar fry at night. Once the Jaguar pair is ready to spawn, no other fish should be left in the tank.
Sexing Jaguar Cichlid and Breeding
- When young, both the male and female Jaguar will present several dark bars extending from the top of the back and abruptly terminating around the lateral line (or roughly midway between the top and bottom of the body). They can have 2 dark bars just behind their eye; one that is horizontal and broken extending to the first vertical bar on the body, and the other running diagonally down to the gill cover.
- Mature, full grown males lose these bars and develop a ‘jaguar’ patterning evenly distributed over their body and fins.
- The female may or may not maintain these bars while also forming a line of several large black dots across the body.
- Jaguar Cichlids can be kept singly or in pairs. They are aggressive towards those of the same species and if they are not raised as a pair it can be risky to introduce a female into a tank with a male, especially if the male is the larger of the two. As with all larger cichlids, room is of the utmost importance in keeping aggression low.
- Jaguar cichlid can be kept together, and this is usually the safest option. Their need for territory can cause them to attack tank mates. Make sure they have lots of space as this reduces territory disputes.
- 1 Jaguar cichlid per 40L
Feeding Directions:
- In an aquarium, the simplest option is to use flake/pellet foods. These have been designed to contain all the nutrition your fish need. Hikari Gold, Sinking Gold or Hikari Staple and Hikari Sinking Carnivore
- The Jaguar Cichlid is a carnivore, a predator that feeds on other smaller fish and large invertebrates in the wild. In the aquarium they will eagerly accept large live foods such as goldfish and other small fishes, crickets and other insects, earthworms, and tadpoles.
- Live/frozen foods (which are full of protein). These include bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia. Live foods encourage Jaguar cichlid to catch their food which brings out their natural hunting instincts.
Care Guidelines:
- Jaguar require more care than most other species. Their size and large appetite means that they produce a lot of mess. This makes regular cleaning very important, or conditions will deteriorate quickly. Perform 20-30% water changes at least once a week, ideally twice.
- These cichlids are hardier than most fish, so they don’t get sick often, but they can get ill like all species.
Species: Parachromis managuensis
Common Name: Jaguar Cichlids
Origin: South America; western Ecuador and central Peru.
Diet: Carnivore
PH Range: 7.0 - 8.5
Temperature: Tropical 24°c – 28°c
Breed Type: Egg Layer
Current Size: Approximately 8-10cm (Grows up to approximately 40cm)
Sex: Un-sexed
Minimum Tank Size: 120 L
Tank Set-Up:
(Freshwater with open space and hiding spots)
- Same species only and American Cichlid
- Make sure nothing smaller than Jaguar Cichlid size that can fit in their mouth
- Jaguar Cichlid 8-10cm
Can organise a Freight for Interstate.
- New South Wale
- Victoria
- Queensland's
- South Australia.
- Western Australia.
- Tasmania
- Northern Territory
Prior to purchasing the Oscar (Jaguar Cichlid):
- We offer Airport to Airport or Door to Door.
Please send us an email to sales@vincenzosaquatics.com.au for freight related cost and states regulations. if you have any questions about our range please send us an email to sales@vincenzosaquatics.com.au