Regular price $20.00 Sale price $15.00 Save $5.00AngelFish 5-7cm
- Angelfish are native to tropical South America, including most of the Amazon water system in French Guiana, Brazil, Guyana, Columbia, and Peru. The fish are commonly found in slow-moving streams, floodplains, and swamps, in warm, acidic water with no salinity.
- The fish’s natural habitat is swampy with a sandy riverbed and lots of vegetation. Although this water is swampy, it isn’t dirty — sunlight can easily penetrate the water and reach the fish.
Appearance and Behaviour:
- Angelfish have a beautiful, striking appearance that is unique from any other aquarium fish, with long, spectacular fins and arrowhead-shaped bodies. Angelfish are peaceful fish with occasional aggressive tendencies
Colours, Patterns, Fins and Sex Differences:
- Angelfish have wide bodies, triangular snouts, fan-shaped caudal fins, and long, flowing dorsal and pectoral fins.
- Angelfish are available in several colours, and the most common angelfish colour is silver with four vertical black stripes. Juvenile angelfish have seven black stripes on their bodies, but as the fish mature, the number of stripes decreases.
In addition to silver, angelfish are found in gold, black, white, orange, and yellow. Marbled angelfish have no black stripes, but have a combination of marbled black, white, orange, yellow, gold, and silver on their bodies.
Albino angelfish have pure white bodies with red eyes, yellowy-orange heads, and red-hued tails. Platinum and gold angelfish are pure silver or pure gold, with no black bands.
Panda angelfish are a colour variation of angelfish with white bodies and black patches that resemble a panda’s markings.
The brightness of an angelfish’s colouring depends on the fish’s mood and stress levels. When angelfish are stressed or asleep, the fish appear duller in colour. Healthy, well-nourished angelfish living in ideal water conditions have vibrant colours.
Scientific name: | Pterophyllum |
Common names: | Angelfish |
Distribution: | Tropical South America |
Size: | 7-10cm |
Life expectancy: | 10–12 years |
Color: | Black, silver, or gold, with vertical black bands |
Diet: | Omnivore |
Temperament: | Semi-aggressive |
Minimum tank size: | 75 Litres |
Temperature: | 75–82°F (25–28°C) |
pH: | 6.8–7 |
Hardness: | 4–12 dGH |
Care level: | Easy |
Breeding: | Egg layer |
Adult Size & Lifespan:
- Fully-grown adult angelfish reach a body length of seven (7) to ten (10) centimetres and a height of Fifteen (15) centimetres. Female angelfish have smaller, more rounded bodies than male angelfish.
- Discus
- Small peaceful fish such as Rasboras, small tetras, Dwarf Gouramis, Molly, Pleco, Bristlenose, Corys, and other small catfish are good choices as companions.
- Lake Malawi Cichlids (South American Cichlids)
- Required to get more than 4 Angelfish and recommend 4ft tank/ 160 Litres tank to provide them plenty space.
Interstate: Can organised freight for Interstate
- New South Wale
- Victoria
- Queensland's
- South Australia
Prior to purchasing the AngelFish:
Please send us an email to
- Sales@vincenzosaquatics.com.au for freight related cost and states regulations. if you have any questions about our range please send us an email to sales@vincenzosaquatics.com.au